Slurry lagoon refused permission

By Elf

ELF is pleased to report that Carmarthenshire County Council has refused permission for a slurry holding pit which ELF objected to on behalf of local people on nature grounds.

Emma Montlake, ELF’s Joint Executive Director, said:

“ELF considered that there was a failure to provide an ammonia assessment on the likely impact upon the Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Taf Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), situated within 500 metres of the site and noted for features sensitive to ammonia. This is one of the reasons given for refusal.

The Habitats Regulations have provided protection to our most important Natura 2000 sites for years and the government is now talking about scrapping them. ELF considers that this is of serious concern to the legal and conservation community crossover.”

See earlier piece for more details on the case here.