Professional (pro bono) member

The Environmental Law Foundation’s great strength has always been its national network of professional lawyers and technical advisers.

Different individuals and firms have different, often mixed reasons for joining us and we’re more than happy to take your priorities into account.
Some welcome pro bono work for its own sake, others to increase their expertise in a particular field, and almost all welcome the occasional pro bono case which leads to paid work. A few - primarily the larger firms - do not wish to have cases referred to them, but are keen to support us and contribute towards our consultation responses and events.

Members benefits include contact with our university clinics, access to research on particular issues (especially as our network and number of cases grows) and regular case news.

If you have any queries about membership, please email [email protected] and Emma Montlake or one of our trustees will call you promptly.

To join us please:

a) complete the form below and then

b) go to the Donate page here, change the amount to £50 (etc) and press SUBMIT. This will take you through to a page from which you can pay via credit card of PayPal.


Contact name (required)

Chambers / firm / consultancy (required)

Address (required)

Postcode (required)

Telephone (required)


Your Email (required)

I heard about ELF

Areas of expertise (please tick)
 Planning and land use Water quality/pollution Nature conservation Property law including contaminated land and rights of way Contract/commercial law including environmental auditing Administrative/public law Noise pollution Air pollution Personal injury Crime Waste Other

If other, please specify

For chambers / firm / corporate members: list up to 5 members (including their email address) who would like to be ELF Advisers. We will contact them directly to confirm details of their areas of expertise.

Alternatively, please download and return the form below (a scan or photo using your phone is ok) and either pay via PayPal/credit card (using our donate facility here), standing order or BACS. Our bank account details are:

Environmental Law Foundation Nat West Sort code 60 40 04 Account Number 10748229

Thank you.
Download our Pro-Bono membership form